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Re: paint

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 10:26:05 -0400
Subject: Re: paint

  I alway wanted to paint a ship black with tiny white dots on it.  Call
space camo :)
  I play ESU and have most of my ships painted with intermediate blue
a blue wash over it.  I then go and paint some of the little details
(weapon barrels, thrusters, fighter bays, etc) but overall I don't go
for three reasons:
  1) I suck at painting.  No, really I do.
  2) I play with unpainted minis and have just as much fun as playing
     painted minis.
  3) My bogus justification for drab ships - I believe that even though
     ship captains would be very intelligent, most navies are rich in
     and superstition and very few captains would want thier ship
     visual attention (can't shoot what you can't see)

  My frigates are the exception.  Mine are piloted by a fanatical group
paint thier ships bright yellow with black tiger stripes.  They're funny
that way.
    +------------+	       +----------------+
   +		 Eric Fialkowski	       +
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