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Re: Capital vs. others Debate

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 13:07:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Capital vs. others Debate

Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
>GDWs Black Globe Generator is a direct rip off of the Langston Field in
>In God's Eye universe, along with a number of other things.  The only
>they didn't sue is it wasn't worth the money and in the long run may
>actually helped sales.  So there is no bone to pick, just remember
where the
>original idea came from...

No bone previuously picked.  GDW's version was stated was for what it
not where the "so-called" original idea came from.  Curious, but how do
where the first idea came from?  At times people have derived similar
without knowing anything about the other's existence.  If anything, and
idea was borrowed, then I would look at it as a complement to the
creator, not a rip-off.  Many times in my industry, I have seen other
software developers try to duplicate products\technologies that we were
first to introduce.  I take this as a compliment and it shows that we
innovators as well as making something people obviously want.

Mike Miserendino

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