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Re: Capital vs. others Debate

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 19:15:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Capital vs. others Debate

At 12:40 PM 4/5/97 -0500, Mike Miserendino wrote:

>>The shield on the Castellan (the Space Fleet ship you mentioned)
>>absorbed *all* damage caused within its area of effect, whether the
>>impacts were on friendly or enemy ships... it acted a lot like Niven &
>>Pournelle's CoDo Langston Fields, absorbing weapons hits (not rams)
>>exploding if it absorbed too much.  A two-edged sword, and all that.
>The Black Globe generator in Traveller worked similar to this, except
it was
>used for individual ships, not an area effect device.	If the shields
>capacitors absorbed too much energy, then could fail and explode.

GDWs Black Globe Generator is a direct rip off of the Langston Field in
In God's Eye universe, along with a number of other things.  The only
they didn't sue is it wasn't worth the money and in the long run may
actually helped sales.	So there is no bone to pick, just remember where
original idea came from...
  Phil P.

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