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Re: Suicide attacks in FT

From: davisje@z... (Jonathan Davis)
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 16:06:13 -0500
Subject: Re: Suicide attacks in FT

> I think the only way to prevent wargamers from conducting all out
> to win scenarios are campeigns.  If you know that you have to maintain
>  fleet in force to prevent an opponent from sacking your home world,
>  are not going to risk near destruction of your fleet to completely
>  your opponent's.  The other option in a scenario is to create
>  of victories such as draw, minor victory, major victory etc.  Ensure
>  conditions support the surrounding story of the scenario.
> Phil P.

Levels of victory is one method.  I also like the fleet morale rules
will end a scenario.  I did make a modification to the fleet morale 
rules, since they are mased on MASS and not on point value.  It is more
reasonable to assume if a fleet would lose 50% of its point value, it
would breakoff the combat.

If you have a situation where two heavy cruisers are escorting two large
tankers or merchants, under the MASS rules, the fleet would disengage if
the tankers or merchants were destroyed.  

Then again...  I'd want to run away too if the enemy just destroyed
the Emperor's harem on board the merchant liners.  and I wouldn't 
head back to my own base!


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