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Putting Teeth into Mines

From: pepourne@n... (Phillip E. Pournelle)
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 14:44:05 -0500
Subject: Putting Teeth into Mines

  I think that mines can be cost effective if they conduct 3d6 beam
However Mines must also be able to remain hidden, with sensor roles
 to find them.	I know this means a referee will be required but...
  This would mean that cloaked ships could effectively use mines,
 if they drop an entire rack in a cluster.
  For campeigns, if you want to maintain a mine field, you better
a mine tender in the area.  Each Mine Tender can maitain only so many
 and requires a certain number of points for replacement mines.
  I've used mines missiles that become mines and fighters carrying mines
 effectively to localize cloaked ships.  These are the equivelant to
 sono-buoys, although cloaked ships don't like them since their shields
 are down...  They also become usefull against reflective shields...
   Mines are also effective against the wirling dervish tactics of the 
Kravak players I've played against.
Phil P.

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