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Re: Missles?

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 01:40:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Missles?

>At 09:48 PM 4/2/97 +0100, Jon wrote:
> If the missile launcher is hit before launching,
>>then missile AND launcher are lost (and maybe missile could go
>I strongly disagree with this idea.  You cannot cook off a nuclear bomb
>(hydrogen or otherwise).  For a nuclear reaction to occur, a precise
>sequence of events must go and then all implosion detonations must
>simultaneuously...  In fact nuclear recovery teams are reminded of this
>conducting training.  They are actually taught that if required shoot
at the
>device to prevent it from being able to go off.
>  Now I know that these missiles are not necessarily hydrogen bombs,
>although earlier discussions pointed at Spurt Bombs (nuclear pumped
x-ray or
>gamma radiation lasers).  However, in terms of game mechanics and
>they are fine the way they are.  The only reason the Nova cannon had
>explosion disadvantage was the devestating area effect it had.  I
>reccomend you abandon the notion of exploding missile racks, they are
>the way they are.
>  Phil P.

Who ever said anything about the WARHEAD going off? Think of all that
fuel sitting there in that big, fat missile...:)

Jon (GZG)

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