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Re: Bigger--not always better , 50% option.

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 06:51:30 -0500
Subject: Re: Bigger--not always better , 50% option.

>We have been using the 50% rule, but appling it to the points costs of
>not the number of ships.  We have used this at competitions and it
>really well.
>ie.  In an 1800 point fleet you could only spend up to 900 points on
>ships.  That means only one SD.

This sounds fine to me - I guess you could also do it on mass rather
points if you preferred. Certainly stops the idea someone (sorry, can't
recall who) posted a few days ago about some players using X no. of
capitals along with X no. of tiny throwaway scouts.
This may well be the simplest solution to the balanced fleet question.

Jon (GZG)

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