Re: Capital vs. Other sizes...
From: If it's tourist season why can't we shoot them? <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:05:16 -0500
Subject: Re: Capital vs. Other sizes...
>We ran a comparison engagement between 1 Mass 100 Dreadnaught(FTL)
>Thrust 3 vs. 15 mass 8 Light Attack Craft (FTL) Thrust 8. The 15
>LACs ate it for breakfast. Each LAC was armed with 1 "B" battery and
>two Submunition Racks, or, 1 Needle Beam and 2 Sub-Racks. They
>approached in three groups of 5 from differing arcs. The DN fried 3
>on approach with AA Megabatt and "A" Batt fire. The LACS then fired a
>total of 24 Submunition racks at a range of less than 10" for 72 dice
>of submuntion rack fire for a damage point total of 39 points.
>(slightly more than average by a couple of points) The SD had 50 DPs
>to begin with and was down to 11. Most of it's internal systems were
>gutted including drives etc. The LACs then proceeded to fry what was
>left with needle fire and B batt fire. I would MUCH rather face 1
>opponent than a Horde of High Thrust small fry.
Query: what would happen if the small-fry had *only* C and B batts,
and the Dreadnought 3 levels of screens? (or did it already?) Would
this change the outcome drastically, or only slightly?
Just a random thought for the morning...
o/ .. .
/@ . . If you insist on reaching for a
<|\ . ) star, be prepared to take a long,
| /\ hard fall.
| //
/ o //* Indy - climber, astronomer,
/ <%- /|\ supreme. Have rope, will travel.
/ /\ / | \