Capital vs. Other sizes...
From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 11:23:27 -0500
Subject: Capital vs. Other sizes...
We ran a comparison engagement between 1 Mass 100 Dreadnaught(FTL)
Thrust 3 vs. 15 mass 8 Light Attack Craft (FTL) Thrust 8. The 15
LACs ate it for breakfast. Each LAC was armed with 1 "B" battery and
two Submunition Racks, or, 1 Needle Beam and 2 Sub-Racks. They
approached in three groups of 5 from differing arcs. The DN fried 3
on approach with AA Megabatt and "A" Batt fire. The LACS then fired a
total of 24 Submunition racks at a range of less than 10" for 72 dice
of submuntion rack fire for a damage point total of 39 points.
(slightly more than average by a couple of points) The SD had 50 DPs
to begin with and was down to 11. Most of it's internal systems were
gutted including drives etc. The LACs then proceeded to fry what was
left with needle fire and B batt fire. I would MUCH rather face 1
opponent than a Horde of High Thrust small fry.
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.
A Producer of 3D Entertainment Products