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Re: Damn the torpedoes and others (long)

From: Slaan@a...
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 21:34:04 -0500
Subject: Re: Damn the torpedoes and others (long)

In a message dated 97-03-28 19:43:19 EST:

<< Another thing to consider: My gaming table's 54" wide. For 130
points, I 
 can buy enough bathtub launchers to fire a saturation salvo that CAN
 MISS. Why? Because it's striking zone covers every inch of the table, 
 that's why. I could probably do it with even less points, if I bothered

 to calculate spreads from slightly bigger launcher ships.

Our "house rule" is that missiles that fly through dust clouds and
automatically lose their lock on and are effectively destroyed.  The way
constructed my space "terrain" board, there are sufficient clumps of
to make missile firing speedboats an ineffective way to go, unless
by the gun-carriers.

-- John I.

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