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Re: campaigns

From: hosford.donald@e... (hosford.donald)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 23:58:15 -0500
Subject: Re: campaigns

OK...Let's do this:

  First, leave the choice of ship types upto the players...I think the
problem will go away by itself...

Then, Why don't we as FT players who are interested in a full campain
system come up with one?  Then Jon could wrap it up and publish it for

Start with the campain rules listed in the book (page FT33-35...Yes I
FINALLY got a copy of FT and MT!)

Pull out Starfire's Empire rules...Lots of interesting ideas we could 
weld on without plagerism. (The New Empire rules)

Keep the rules fast and loose, like the FT game.  That way we can adapt
it to any setting we want.

It must be able to handle campains like in the book, explorations, to
full empires battling it out...  This means the economics must be simple
and adaptable.

Jon (or someone with DS2/SG2) can do the interfacing with those games.
Particularly the time to train/assemble ground forces.

Just some thoughts to stimulate things...

Donald Hosford

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