Re: BattleStar Galactica Model
From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 06:38:28 -0500
Subject: Re: BattleStar Galactica Model
>>Has anyone scene a Micro-Machine or equivelant of a B5 ship that can
be used
>>for Full Thrust?
>Errrrrrrrr, exactly what are you asking, Phil? Are you looking for a
>that's as close to Battlestar Galactica at FT scale, or B5 ships?? If
>no, I don't, not offhand. If B*5* ships...there were a bunch. Operative
>word here is 'were'. :-(
Assuming that the query WAS about a Battlestar Galactica mini for FT,
is no MicroMachine one but there IS a quite nice metal mini (about the
size as an FT DN, about 3" long) made by Comet Miniatures in the UK;
it is unlicensed, but it is an accurate model and costs around £6 -
£7. Oh,
and Comet also make a very nice (but complex) multi-part kit of an SW
Destroyer in ideal FT size, about 4-5" long; this is also highly
unlicensed, it comes in a plain blue packaging with no maker's ID at all
(and I've even known them to deny it is theirs, Lucasfilms have BIG
Comet's attitude to licensing is a bit hypocritical - they happily make
unlicensed stuff themselves, then threaten dire legal retribution (in
adverts!) on anyone pirating any of their own stuff! Oh well.....
Comet are at 44-48 Lavender Hill, London SW11 5RH, UK; tel: (+44) 171
3702. I don't know what their overseas mailorder service is like, but
quote 40% P&P to the US in their adverts. The metal ships are all part
their "Minimetals" line, which also contains loads of other models of
and vehicles from SF series/movies, (Aliens, Star Wars, Star Trek, 2001,
all the Gerry Anderson series etc), sadly not all in usable scales.
Jon, GZG.