Re: Micro Machines
From: MJMurtha@a...
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 16:47:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Micro Machines
In a message dated 97-03-23 23:22:16 EST, you write:
<< Star Trek and Star
Wars figures are the best for demo games as they have a ready made
and a high recognition factor. >>
In our club Full Thrust demos we have six fleets using the scenario from
first rule book, three frigates and two light cruisers. We have a Star
fleet, Star Trek fleet, a B5 fleet (all three are micromachines), a GW
(Space Fleet minis), a mixed fleet (two Travellar minis and three Silent
Death) and top it off with a GZG fleet (six of my NAC ships. I find that
micromachines help bring players over to the demo table and them you
have a
chance to tell them about the game and get them playing.
It also lets you show them how "generic" GZG are which can be a big
Mike J. Murtha
The Adventurers Club