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Re: Vector movement

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 15:42:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Vector movement

On Mon, 24 Mar 1997, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> > On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> > 
> > > It is far more difficult to figure out where you're going to end
up with 
> > > the "old" FT rules, 

> > Not really. Your turning radius is roughly r = 2v/p, where v is your

> > velocity and p is the points you put into turning.
> Which still means that you have a fairly limited set of points to go
> and going at higher speeds those points will be pretty far apart. 

Care to check what I was replying to?

> Sure. You never fly your thrust 2 SDs at speeds over 4, I can tell...

Ahem. "Brakes & turn" is feasible under FT since you can take a maximum
turn and still decelerate at half thrust. It's also a simpler solution
you start turning in the desired direction immediately. Whereas with a 
slow turning ship under newtonian, you'd have to calculate a few turns 
ahead where you want your main thrusters pointing by the time you've 
slid for X turns.
> Using the normal movement system, I usually fly my ships at speeds of
> times their thrust rating. 
> Using vector movement, I rarely fly faster than 4 times the main
> rating; 

So, you *do* agree the regular FT system is easier to control?

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
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