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Sa'vasku Clones

From: timj@u...
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 12:12:01 -0500
Subject: Sa'vasku Clones

Regarding Sa'vasku clones

Following someones suggestion that Call Of Cthulu miniatures have the
bio feel I went 
down the games shop today. There is a  Call Of Cthulu mini called a
'Flying Polyp' 
which IMO makes a very good DN model. Its 3.50 Sterling. Which isn't too
bad. The C of 
C range do seem to have a lot of bio-nasties but a lot of them have
legs, the Polyp is 
on a flying base.

It also reminds me of an old post to the list where someone was using
old dead bees 
and wasps as bio-ships - next time you clean out the


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