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Re: B5 and Sir Isaac - Reply

From: pepourne@n... (Phillip E. Pournelle)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 11:17:05 -0500
Subject: Re: B5 and Sir Isaac - Reply

If you examine the maneuvering of the Star Furies closely you will see
that the 
main engines are used in counter thrust operations to rotate the
fighter.  When 
the rogue Minbari warship comes to blast B5 and Sheridan dispatches
squadrons to intercept them you can see this counter thrust operation as
the fighters turn
 to watch the Minbari fighters go by.
   We also see the use of Newtonian mechanics by the White Star in many 
occasions.  Once while in the gas cloud of Jupiter it spins and thrust
reverse its direction of travel but coasts for some time in reverse as
 reduces momentum.  Then we see it again when the White Star is orbiting
 planet and is about to come out of the shadow of the planet and be
by a shadow warship.  They know that in order to prevent their coming
out of
 the planetary shadow, that they'll have to use the engines, thus
 their position...  In the end they drift out.
  To those who scoff at the idea that a B5 game must have realistic
 systems, I scoff back.  As one who proposed a workable game system with
 momentum rules, I want one to reflect the B5 universe properly.  I have
 played B5 Wars but if Agents of Gaming just took their knowledge of
Star Fleet 
Battles and smudged it to fit B5, that would be unfortunate and a waste
 money.  I'll play Full Thrust and my home grown game instead and save
 the expense of a game that will not survive.  Those who play SFB will
 SFB, B5 wars will have a small market and die out.  What a waste of an
 excellent opportunity.
   Phil P.

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