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I need a fix, I mean game. PLayers in NoCal...?

From: pepourne@n... (Phillip E. Pournelle)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 18:22:47 -0500
Subject: I need a fix, I mean game. PLayers in NoCal...?

  I'm getting ready for finals next week and so I have not been playing
  In fact I feel guilty just answering E-Mail...  But I would really
like to
 play a game after my last exam, preferably Full Thrust.  For those who
 in the Monterey or San Jose area, please let me know if you would be in
 a game the evening of Thursday 27 March,  Day or evening Friday 28
March or day
evening Saturday 29 March.
  I would like to try the Real Thrust Rules we've been talking about.
Phil P.

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