Ironclads and Ether Flyers...
From: Binhan Lin <Binhan.Lin@U...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 15:32:05 -0500
Subject: Ironclads and Ether Flyers...
On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Robert Hendricks wrote:
> "Chadwick's Ironclad & Ether Flyers is an
> interesting game and has good background info"
> Does any one besides me still play this game?
Actually some people at Colorado Military Historians are gearing up for
25mm Cloudships and Gunboats with full 3D models. The fixtures will be
from Houston's Ships decks made of 1/8" plywood. They will be on
variable altitude stands with roller bases.
Ayone tried FT with altitude bases??