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Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 11:41:43 -0500
Subject: Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List

Excerpts from FT: 18-Mar-97 Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List by John
> >	  Space Fleet:	OK, the game sucked moose ----,  but the mini's
> >were sooooooo cool.	I've got a nice sized fleet of Imperial and
> >ships.  However, I WANT MORE!!!!
> I don't have ANY, and want more!!!

Sorry guys, I just can't resist...

I've got 8 Wraithships & 10 Shadowhunters... nearly 50 Imperial crusiers
and battleships, and nearly that number of their DDs and escorts... plus
a bunch of the support craft... and a bunch of Tyranid ships.  Now I
just have to paint them! ^_^

(People seeing your Space Fleet WWW page and asking, "Hey, do you want
my ships?  I'll sell 'em cheap!" is a truly *wonderful* thing....)

		    Aaron Teske 

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