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Re: Full Thrust Game for List Members, at GenCon

From: John Kovalic <muskrat@m...>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 16:49:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Full Thrust Game for List Members, at GenCon

>1) Tell me if you are interested in playing in our game.

Yes. Very
>2) Let me know the liklihood that you will attend GenCon.


>3) I need to know if you can bring your own fleet or fleets.

Yes. About 3,000 pints worth, if needed. GZG "officials" ESU and NA

>4) Can you bring additional stuff? I have one of GeoHex's star field
>and another with the hexes on it. Can anyone else bring a second sheet?


>anyone have asteroids, or other "terrain" that we might be able to use
>designing a scenario?

No. Sorry.

John Kovalic

       "This must be Thursday. I never COULD get the hang of Thursdays"
					      - Arthur Dent
				       "Wild Life": a Web comic -

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