Full Thrust Game for List Members, at GenCon
From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@s...>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 11:36:08 -0500
Subject: Full Thrust Game for List Members, at GenCon
Mike Miserendino and I have been discussing playing a game of Full
Thrust at
GenCon this summer. This is a personal, ad hoc pick-up game (i.e. it
be in the programme book). What we'd like to do is open this game up to
members of the mailing list. Essentially, we'll set a mutually
date, grab an unused table, and play our own private game of Full Thrust
course, if a newbie walks by and thinks it's interesting, we'll try to
him into it if we can).
So, here's some information. GenCon is August 7 to 10, in Milwaukee
Wisconsin. Mike and I had some ideas for the size of the game, but we
decided to wait and see how many people are interested. Mike suggested
point fleets, with some limitations on ship types (just as an example, 1
dreadnought, 1-2 cruisers, 2-3 escorts). We'll probably limit the
systems to
human only (i.e. no Kra'vak!) The ship figures of the various fleets
be roughly equal in size if they come from different manufacturers. For
instance Mike is using official FT figures, while I'll be using some old
Star Frontiers ships; they are both about equal in size. We haven't come
with a scenario, though I'd like to have a formal scenario if it is
possible. If we don't come up with one, it will be a simple meeting
engagement/blood bath.
So, what I'd like to know is the following:
1) Tell me if you are interested in playing in our game.
2) Let me know the liklihood that you will attend GenCon. Such as:
Definitely (i.e. already signed up for the Early Bird pass), Likely
don't have a tiket, but live in the area and buy a ticket on the days I
attend), Hopeful (i.e. would like to go, but don't know if my boss will
me the time off yet), Unlikely (i.e. love to go, but someone would have
buy me a plane ticket...).
If you definitely can't make it but think you might be able to make it
another year, I'd be interested in hearing from you simply to get an
idea of
the interest for a mailing list member game. Then if someone wants to
run a
mailing list member game in, say, the UK, I can let them know how much
interest is out there.
3) I need to know if you can bring your own fleet or fleets. I believe
has a large number of ships ready. Based on the size of our proposed
game, I
could field between 4 and 6 fleets using the Star Frontiers ships, but I
haven't painted them yet.... I understand that GenCon is quite a hike
some people and it may not be practical for you to bring your own ships.
think we can accomodate everyone, but we don't want to get into a
where we have a dozen people ready to play and only two fleets.
4) Can you bring additional stuff? I have one of GeoHex's star field
and another with the hexes on it. Can anyone else bring a second sheet?
anyone have asteroids, or other "terrain" that we might be able to use
designing a scenario?
That should about do it. There's no rush for this, but if there's any
of "cut-off point" we'll have to limit it to first come, first served.
worry about setting a date later in the year (when the programme book is
released) but I'd like to discuss the type of game and the number of
we need as soon as possible, so I can get painting.
Allan Goodall: agoodall@sympatico.ca
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