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Fleet Iniative

From: Sprayform <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 09:52:12 -0500
Subject: Fleet Iniative

I like the ideas Daryl posted ,taking on board the O.K. gunfight results
with the drawing fire ideas wraps up the following (in my opinion)
   1. Each ship rolls 1d6 iniative (having a larger fleet will result in
greater number (and chance )of higher rolls, this might have been the
concept behind the published rules giving the advantage to the largest
      6's fire first simultaneously and resolve damage to ships. 
      5's fire second ....etc
	   ----This has the right feel and is easy to play

   2. Any ship damaged by incoming fire (not missile/fighters/mine/nova
      must return fire (if in range?)if it has not yet fired.
      This ties up one fire control . Targeting a battle-ship with 3
destroyers	 gives your other ships a turn to do the more important
things (ie senario)	  Small ships will die but all literature/films
are full of this type of       action (Massive ships tied down by the
suicidal/heroic freedom fighters       small ships; small ships having
fire at well shielded big ships just	   because they are hot on their
	   ----Simple rule works for the senario I envisioned last night

  Jon (T.C.)

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