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Re: Hypothetical Liberator Stats

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 07:53:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Hypothetical Liberator Stats

David Brewer writes:

@:) > @:) Crew of six -- IIRC, Blake's "seventh" was the ship's
@:) > 
@:) >	You've mispelled it.  It's ORAC.
@:) No, it was Zen.  Orac was the perspex box.

  Wow, bonus points to Mr. Brewer!  Unfortunately, Zen isn't as good
of a pun on IIRC as ORAC is.  Not that ORAC was much of a pun to begin
with.  Anyway I never understood why they had two computers,
especially since whenever things got serious they'd plug ORAC into Zen
and he'd take over.  Or something.

@:) B7, mostly, consisted of Villa (a role model if ever there was
@:) one), Avon, one other bloke, two women, Orac and the ship's
@:) computer.

  Hmm... let's see.  Avon was the leader of "Blake's" Seven - Blake
died pretty early, first season I think.  Villa was a main character
but was always kind of lame.  There was Kally and someone mentioned
Jenna but I'm thinking she came in later with that Federation
guy... Tristan or Trent or some such.  Anyway, there was also the big
brawny guy who got a door dropped on his head in their first "Assault
on a Starbase" episode and died.

  Oh, and Avon is my hero because he is the second best computer
hacker in the Federation.  Who's the best?  "The guy that caught him."

@:) Now there was a real sci-fi prog which got out of the studio and
@:) into some gravel pits, where sci-fi belongs...

  Could somebody please explain to me why the bad guys never heard the
immensely loud orchestral "hit" that accompanied the crew members
teleporting in three feet behind them?	If they hadn't had those big
bulky helmets there would probably be a lot more Federation guards
alive (or should I say conscious) today.


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