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Re: The Curmudgeon Rants Again

From: Kyle Klingler <kklinglr@f...>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 00:53:11 -0500
Subject: Re: The Curmudgeon Rants Again

On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, David Brewer wrote:

> In message <>
(johnjmedway) writes:
> > Again, I must beg of you folks...
> to do with it's time. Think. Before you add a pointless chatty one-
> line zinger to the end of a huge, long, requoted, **unedited**, 
> message... think. Think about it. Is that message really worthwhile? 

I agree.  My host E-mail system has a space limit and all the messages
that come in take up space.  My biggest problem is with messages where
people don't bother deleting text from the original message.  I usually
end up paging down a few screens to find a 2 line reply to the last
said.  The other thing I find annoying is responses that should not have
been sent to the list (Send me a copy or Me Too) Please keep in mind
some of us have space limits and also time limits (2 hours in 24 hours
me, but hey, it was free.) Thanks.  Back to my lurking. 

*  Kyle Klingler -  "I'm not dumb.   *
* I just have a command of thoroughly useless information."  Calvin  * 
*   "I have the strength of madness."  Miaowara Shiro		     *

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