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Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

From: James Butler <JAMESBUTLER@w...>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 01:36:09 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

At 07:44 PM 2/28/97 +0000, you wrote:
>In message <19970228025530.AAA11837@LOCALNAME> James Butler writes:
>>	   What I mean is that mass provides a penalty for wider arc
>> (or at least it does the way we play). Without that penalty, I think
>> would have a nasty tendency to take nothing but three arc weapons. In
>> IIRC that was why we put in Oerjan Ohlson's construction numbers, to
>> encourage the use of non-three arc weapon batteries. I was just
wondering if
>> cost alone, with cost differing only by a few points, is enough to
>> players to take one-arc weapons.
>Now... did I say that cost would be different by only a few points?
>After all, any increase in the points spent on weapon arcs would now
>affect what you pay for thrust, as well, just as if you'd bought a
>bigger hull.
>The way I see it, a good starting point for a new, descriptive, points 
>system would be to make all beams cost n+(n*arcs).
>This would equate one three-arc beam with two one-arc beams of the 
>same size, and the former could replace the latter without affecting
>any other part of ship design. This occurs to me to be a fair trade.
>David Brewer

	I like this--particularly as it would be very easily to
with the ships we already have. We already use 1 mass for a 1-arc B bat
2 mass for a three-arc B bat as well as 2 mass for a 1-arc A bat and 4
for a three-arc A bat so the equating of one three-arc beam with two
beams is what we are used to. I agree that it seems like a fair trade.

	Out of curiosity, do you use offset arcs? If you take two arcs
declare them to be a forward 180 degrees, you get much of the usefulness
a three-arc weapon for less cost and mass (again, you do the way we


	      /|[|]|\	_______  __	//    //
      _ _   /==|[|]|==\(_______)/  \__[__]__[__]__MMMMMMMMMM\
     [_|_|\%%===[|]====(_______)|  |===================HHHHHH\
     [_|_| %%===[|]====(_______)|  |=X=X=X==X=X=X======HHHHHHH]
     [_|_| %%==========(_______)\__/ }C=K@	  WWWWWWWWWW/
      Main    Bridge/	   Fuel/      Weapons/	   Scanners/
      Drive   Quarters	Jump Drive  Ship's Boats Spinal Mount

	Battlecruiser INTREPID, CORMORANT-class
	Captain James L. Butler III, Commanding

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