Re: FT: Damage Track Sliding Scale Suggestion
From: Alun Thomas <alun.thomas@c...>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:01:30 -0500
Subject: Re: FT: Damage Track Sliding Scale Suggestion
celticcross @ ("Graham L. Tasker. M.B.C.S.")
> At 14:16 24/02/97, you wrote:
> >How about changing the damage track, so that it forms a triangle,
with each
> >row being 2 or 3 boxes shorter than the one above it?
> When I first read the Sliding scale Damage Track, I felt that the
> of damage thresholds had been overcome. Then I decided to check the
> probilities of a system suriving the threshold chesks. This showed up
> possible problem :
[ Currently: Escorts=83.33%, Cruisers=55.56% and Capitals=27.78% ]
> The possibilities of a system surviving all the threshold checks using
> system suggested by Alun Thomas are as follows :
> Ships mass 4 units or less - No checks
> Ships mass beteen 6 and 10 units - 83.33%
> Ships mass between 12 and 18 units - 69.44%
> Ships mass between 20 and 28 Units - 57.88%
> Ships mass between 30 and 40 Units - 48.23%
> Ships mass between 42 and 54 Units - 40.18%
> Ships mass between 56 and 70 units - 33.49%
> Ships mass between 72 and 88 units - 27.91%
> Ships mass between 90 and 108 units - 23.26%
> Ships mass between 110 and 130 units - 16.15%
I'm not quite sure where you're figures come from above: I can see how
percentages you
list would derive from each line in the above list taking one more check
the previous
line (eg mass 42->54 taking 5 checks) but you seem to be adding extra
faster than my proposal.
Here's how I think it should work out
Mass <= 6 [hits <= 3] No Checks 100.00%
Mass 7->16 [hits 4-> 8] 1 Check 83.33%
Mass 17->30 [hits 9->15] 2 Checks 69.44%
Mass 31->48 [hits 16->24] 3 Checks 57.88%
Mass 49->70 [hits 25->35] 4 Checks 48.23%
Mass 71->96 [hits 36->48] 5 Checks 40.18%
Mass 97->126 [hits 49->63] 6 Checks 33.49%
Mass 127->160 [hits 64->80] 7 Checks 27.91%
(note by the way, that under the proposed system, these %ages would only
apply when when a ship was, at most, 3 hits from destruction)
> The above posentages show the problems -
> 1 : The escort class are worse off especally between mass 12 & 18
I disagree: escorts up to mass 6 are better off, from 7 to 16 the %ages
the same (but the first check will occur later) mass 17 & 18 escorts are
> 2 : Light cruisers ( Masses less than 28 ) are far better off.
> 3 : Cruisers whith a mass of greater than 28 Units, are worse off.
> 4 : Capital ships of masses between 38 and 70 units are better off,
> This is at an extreme with masses of less than 56 units.
> 5 : Only capital ships with a mass over 90 units are worse off.
Generally fair comment.
Even using my figures, most ships are better off (mass 17 and
18 are worse off, and I think ships above mass 160 will also be
worse off).
One possible way of getting around this is to re-introduce some
variation in the threshold rolls (but not much):
If the first threshold is rolled against 6, and all subsequent ones
against 5 or 6 then the above table changes to:
Mass <= 6 [hits <= 3] No Checks 100.00%
Mass 7->16 [hits 4-> 8] 1 Check 83.33%
Mass 17->30 [hits 9->15] 2 Checks 55.56%
Mass 31->48 [hits 16->24] 3 Checks 37.04%
Mass 49->70 [hits 25->35] 4 Checks 24.69%
Mass 71->96 [hits 36->48] 5 Checks 16.46%
Mass 97->126 [hits 49->63] 6 Checks 10.97%
Mass 127->160 [hits 64->80] 7 Checks 7.32%
This seems a bit more reasonable to me.
(by the way, if the 7% seems a bit low, how much of its equipment would
you expect a mass 160 ship to have left after taking 77/80 hits?)
What do you think?