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Re: FTIII/classes redefined

From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 07:20:13 -0500
Subject: Re: FTIII/classes redefined

> >   In any case, I don't like the idea that a smaller ship can be
> > damaged enough to function fully one turn, and then explode the next
> > with a mere 2 or 3 points of damage.

On the contrary - this is what space combat is all about ....
Don't you just love those scenes in B5 when ships just get sythed in
or disolve in a ball a flame after a single hit.  Even the capital ships
are rather crunchy.....

It's far more fun to be playing knowing that your prise CV could be
next turn.... Adds a bit of "suspence"


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