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Fighter CAP and Screens in FT

From: "Roger Gerrish" <roger@u...>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 05:10:18 -0500
Subject: Fighter CAP and Screens in FT

Hi, I am new to this mailing list and apologise if I may be suggesting
somthing that has already been discussed and thrown in the bin.

I have always been interested in the way fighters work in Full Thrust
and have implemented various 'House' rules in our gaming group to

  One of the primary roles of the fighter is to protect a ship from
  other fighters. This usually is accomplished by the fighters keeping
  close to the ship they are defending, ie TIEs in Star War protecting
  the Death Star or Star Furys in B5 protecting the station and the
  Destroyers in 'Severed Dreams'.

  So in our games when a fighter group is launched it can be designated
  as flying protective escort (CAP/Screen). The fighter is moved with
  the ship it is escorting and is placed anywhere within 2" of the

  If a fighter group ends the turn within 2" of a friendly ship it
  may perform CAP as above for that ship in the following turn.

  A fighter group may only perform CAP for ONE ship per turn even
  if another ship ends its move within 2" of the CAP fighter group.

  If a fighter group wishes to attack the escorted ship it can be fired
  on by the CAP fighters before the attackers can fire at the ship,
  rather like an extra Point defence system. A single CAP group can
  only engage ONE enemy attacking fighter group per turn.
  If any attackers in the group the CAP engages survive give them
  immunity against PDAF fire as we can assume the defending ship will
  try to avoid hitting its own CAP

  The facing of the CAP group does not matter, they are assumed to be
  in a special defensive formation. (Look at the Star Furys protecting
  the EAS Alexander at the start of Severed Dreams)

  An attacking player may use a fighter group to Dogfight the CAP group
  this results in std fighter to fighter combat and prevents the CAP
  engaging fighters attacking the ship it is protecting.

  These rules make 'interceptor' fighters very effective as CAP

  Additional Comments:

  Specifically Babylon 5 games. Having watched battle scenes in B5 many
  times, I think that fighters are helping screen ships against PPG
  fire from other vessels, this seems to be happening in Voice in the
  Wilderness and Severed Dreams.
  In our games a CAP group may be used in this role as follows:
  The CAP group must not be in a Dogfight or be used to fire against
  enemy fighters.
  Roll 1d6, if the roll is less than or equal to the group strength
  the CAP group acts as one shield. This may be combined with PDF/

  interceptor screening but still only a maximum of 3 shielding
  per ship.

  I look forward to you comments...

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