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Re: FT3 help!

From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 11:57:41 -0500
Subject: Re: FT3 help!


I am sorry to have to tell you that MT is definitely out of print. Your 
only hope is to shop around for a copy. Can anybody here on the list
out? Check out your local game store and report in if they have any

Although AFAIK FT is not yet out of print, the same comments go as for
There can't be that many left out there, after all it was printed before


Come on chaps lets help each other where we can

Mike Elliott

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: FT3 help!
Author: at INTERNET
Date:	 10/02/97 08:44

I went to my favorite local hobby store, and ordered FT/MT from 
Geohex....And the first distributor didn't have EITHER one!  The second
they had em, so the hobby store ordered from them....Same answer! 
that distributor had a computer problem...I think)  Anyway...this leads
to my question:

I wish to speak to the fellow who is with GZG here on the list.  Your
escapes me at the moment (sorry!).

  I want to know why I can't get any copies of the great FT/MT games,
when the next version will be out!  I am not angry or mad....just
fustrated over the long wait....

I humbly await your answer...

Donald Hosford
Registered ICC User
check out

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