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PBeM Excel sheets available

From: davisje@z... (Jonathan Davis)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 08:49:34 -0500
Subject: PBeM Excel sheets available

I have placed a sample of the Excel worksheets that I use for
the Empress Arianna FT Tournament on the Web page for the 
tournament.  The URL for the page is:

The sheets are separated based on the turn number and use links
from the previous turn to transfer current position, course,
and other information into the current turn.

The sheets perform position, course, velocity computations for 
all ships, fighter groups, and missiles in the game.  Sensor,
damage control, and combat reports are generated by hand and 
added to the reports that are sent to each side.

Please send me e-mail if you have any comments or questions.  These
sheets are the most complex that I had created with Excel and I
was moving up a learning curve in the process of generating them.
I'm sure I can do a better job on a second pass, so any useful 
ideas would be appreciated.  One enhancement would be the automatic
construction of an ftmap file for input into the map creation utility.

Jon Davis

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