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From: AEsir@a...
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 01:27:54 -0500
Subject: Mines

Given that Mines systems cost 10 points each and take up 3 Mass each for
three mines it would seem reasonable that each mine is about one mass
and cost 3 points per mine with one left over for the mine layer system.
  This means at one point apiece and taking up one mass apiece, mines
are not
that great of a bargain...  For the same cost I can get a Submunitions
that does 3D6 beams worth of damage at 6 inches of range, or one
Torpedoe for
a fighter that does 1d6 damage straight...  Now neither Torpedoes or
Submunitions packs are affected by screens but mines are.
  There is something truly wrong when most players use large heavily
ships for mine sweepers.... and they rarely are affected.
  Given these facts I propose that mines do 3d6 beams worth of attack
instead.  With their already reduced detection range of 3 inches, this
would already offset the cost difference of a an active system versus a
that stays on the board.  Additionally the 3d6 beams attack has only 1
in 216
chance of inflicting 6 points of damage while a torpedoe has 1 in 6
chance of
inflicting 6 points of damage.
  All those in favor say aye.  Althose not in favor make your counter
  Phil P.

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