RE: Starguard figs / Ogres for DII
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:20:06 -0500
Subject: RE: Starguard figs / Ogres for DII
>From: Scott R Pyle[]
>Sent: Thursday, February 06, 1997 4:52 AM
>Cc: George,Eugene M
>Subject: RE: Starguard figs / Ogres for DII
>On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, George,Eugene M wrote:
>> Like I said in earlier reply, I put Starguard minis at around
>>22-23mm, or roughly comparable to Stargrunt.
I just found a bunch of 22mm-23mm Denizen K'hiff "Space Coyotes"
dirt cheap so I'm not particulary too worried about scale 'specially
with Alien races. Unfortunately, my old Traveller 2300 figs are just way
dang small (true 20mm).
>> I didn't find them crude, but I guess by today's lofty
>>they do lack something in the way of detail, but they make up for that
>>characater and affordability.
> >I'll let folks know about the quality of the 1/300 Blower Cars
>>(read:GEVs) I get from reviresco (hopefully today or tomorrow). I like
>>that Gauss piece as well.
I'd love to hear about 'em.
>> > > > On the other hand, some of the figures ARE
>> >pretty nice. I'm working on some of his "Nautaloid" figures right
>> >Basically, big cephelapods with snail shells on their backs and big
> >I love the Dreenoi "bugs" I got in my first order.
> >I'm also expecting a pair of 25mm (i.e., 22-23mm) APCS with my
>>order of 1/300 stuff. I'll also report on thesewhen they arrive. As
>>the rules.... I'm afraid I can't give them the ringing endorsement I
>>given the figures. They are at best disjointed, and at worst, possibly
>>unplayable in their current format. I think the nucleus of a good
>>is there, but John desperately needs an editor and some more
> >If you like the figures (as I very much do), play them with
>>stuff (as I do), or with whatever rules you're fond of.
Well, it sounds like I'll bite for the rules (worst comes to worst,
it'll be good for reading material) and some of the Alien races, at
least it'll support small press gaming, so what-the-hey. I suppose with
all the kitbashing I do the worst that can happen is vehicle and gun
parts end up in the bits box. I don't mind less 'baroque' more austere
(read normal-looking) miniatures, I'm definately a Ral Partha /
Grenadier miniatures guy, not a Games Workshop guy, but you have to draw
the line on really poor, tiny miniatures, but from what I've heard I'll
try 'em, well, at least a few.