Re: new B5 Rules
From: Marshall Grover <mgrover@m...>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:22:30 -0500
Subject: Re: new B5 Rules
hosford.donald wrote:
> >> Maybe the Vorlons are a relitivly "Younger" race, compaired to the
> and maybe the shadows got into a "dont rock the tech boat" attitude,
> the vorlons didn't. That might explain why it took so many shadows to
> kosh?
or maybe Kosh was really, really good <G>.
I designed the tech roles so that the shadows would have a slight
advantage over the Vorlons, Kick some mimbari Butt, and the EA would
just roll over and die. It worked out that way in playtesting, 3
saratogas (EA), 3 Omegas (EA), 3 Mimbari war cruisers against a class 6
shadow vessel (really, really big), he took out 2 mimbari and 80+
fighters. The only reason we got him was we were testing the telepath
rules and they were much too powerful. The EA (me) didn't get touched, I
let the boneheads do all the fighting, except for my vailiant
Geez, I didn't think i'd be stirring up such a hornets nest with tech