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ANNOUNCEMENT (Was:Re: testing, testing, 1,2)

From: "Absolutely Barking Stars" <jw4@b...>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 13:02:00 -0500
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT (Was:Re: testing, testing, 1,2)

> From: 	 "Mike Wikan" <>
> I came in this morning, and NO MESSAGES!?!?! I am concerned... Any 
> message traffic I missed?

God knows. Some time within the last 18 hours or so, the Bolton mailing 
list software collapsed in a messy slimy heap. It's taken us 'til now to

get it back up & running. Any mail you haven't seen that you sent to the

list has unfortunately been lost, so you'll have to send it again.

OK. who said this list admin stuff was a lark then eh??

'And I love what we are but I hate what I am
 And I wanna be like you but I hate when you're like them'
		   Maria McKee 'What Else you Wanna Know'
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