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Re: Firecons

From: Nothing's the same anymore <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 11:50:53 -0500
Subject: Re: Firecons

>>We recently had a situation arise while battling in dust clouds.  
>>After nominating that certain batteries were going to fire on a
>ship we rolled to get a weapons lock, and failed.
>>My opponent then declared that because the weapons had not been fired
>because their ship had 3 firecons that they could try to fire the same
>batteries by attempting to get a lock on with the next firecon and if
>failed with the next one.
>>The rules state that firecons can be used to target multiple opponents
>the same ship multiple times.
>>Any Ideas??
>>Tks- Darryl
>Seems to me that being in a dust cloud, if the first firecon "couldn't
>the target, that the others wouldn't see it ether....

No reason why the others wouldn't automatically not 'see'. Unless you're
ruling that way. I'd say that if one failed, there is still a chance the
others could lock on. Redundancy in targetting and tracking systems. One
fails, another tries.

   o/		      ..     .
  /@		       .  .	      If you insist on reaching for a
  <|\			  .  )	      star, be prepared to take a long,
   |		     /\ 	      hard fall.
   |		    //
   /		 o //*		      Indy - climber, astronomer,
  /		<%- /|\ 	      supreme. Have rope, will travel.
 /		/\ / | \

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