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Re: FT-Multiplayer Games

From: FieldScott@a...
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:36:14 -0500
Subject: Re: FT-Multiplayer Games

John wrote,

>  Do people who have had experience with this think I should assign
>  player approximately:
>  A) One Cruiser and two Destroyers  each
>  B) One Battleship and two Crusers each
>  C) One Battleship or Dreadnought each
>  D) Something else (smaller commands, larger commands)?

As with everything, it depends on the scenario and personal tastes. The
comment I'd make is that if your capitals have only 2 or 3 thrust it's
to also have a couple escorts to play with -- that way if you wind up
the wrong way with your heavy you have something else to play with
during the
6 turns it takes you to get turned around.  :-)

Scott Field

REVOLUTION: An attempt to stimulate new growth in an old tree by lopping
all its limbs.

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