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Re: Re:If I remember correctly......HELP!!!

From: Samuel Penn <sam@b...>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 04:09:06 -0500
Subject: Re: Re:If I remember correctly......HELP!!!

In message <> you wrote:

> If I remember correctly a few months ago someone said that GZG 
> offered a set of fighters for full thrust called Star Tigers or some 
> such name that were more than slightly reminiscent of B5 Starfuries.

You mean like the fighters I have before me at the moment - painted
all black except for a white Omega symbol painted on the top of
them? :)

They are very nice, but apparantly very difficult to get hold of
(I know, I've been trying - I've only got 8 groups of them, and
I'm in need of more!).

But yes, they do exist, they are called Star Tigers, and GZG
do (or at least did) sell them. If I knew any more though then
I'd have bought them all by now...

Be seeing you,					     ARM not Intel.
Sam.					       Acorn not Microsoft.

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