Digital Battlefield Reports
From: timj@u...
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 03:35:29 -0500
Subject: Digital Battlefield Reports
Mk wrote:
--Not that I was taking a defensive stance or anything; just if you got
--ideas, thoughts, suggestions, etc, about improving the reports - feed
--I'm willing to do what I can but want to still keep them
The solution Alun used was to use AWK to reformat the Mk reports into a
readable form. I'm using the same method for the current Scott Field
pbem game.
Basically its impossible to get everyone to agree on a standard FT
report and
the requirements for humans and computers are orthogonal. My strategy
now is to
have a single computer readable FT format and to translate all the
myriad report
styles to it using AWK/Java/Perl etc. (AFAIK some version of AWK's
available on
platforms including VMS - Mac?)
This strategy works well in my place of work where we have to translate
data into & out of editing systems (DXF,DGN etc.). Architecturally its
the best
solution and creates the least amout of work. Believe me, I've been
working in
this field for some years now. If we could standardise the human
readable form
then the number of filters to write would be less.
FYI - we have VMS too and it has Motif and behaves like any other
Tim Jones