Re: The Digital Battlefield
From: Alex Williams <thantos@d...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 00:52:12 -0500
Subject: Re: The Digital Battlefield
A better long-term solution for some of us folks that will /never/
have a compatible drawing-program might be to plan a Java-based
web-supplied game-server for playing FMA-style games on. A very basic
two-player map-handling/icon-handling system would probably not be out
of the reach of a 3mo project for some alert lad. Once the basic
framework's in place, additional functionality shouldn't be too hard.
(Yes, I know, I still have to produce a DSII/SGII MU*. I'm working on
it, on and off, no worries. Unfortunately, my life keeps getting in
the horrid way.)