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Re: size of ships...

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 04:42:01 -0500
Subject: Re: size of ships...

Date sent:  17-DEC-1996 09:35:21 

>> Escorts: up to about 4cm long, provided they're longish rather than

>Which brings up a point... am I the only one here who thinks long,
>spaceships don't make sense? Yes, I know that all we're really doing
here is
>coming up with PSB to rationalize whatever we think *looks* cool.
>Nevertheless, it seems to me that except for ships designed for
>entry (including, probably, most of the aforementioned escorts), the
>the better: keeps your mass more compact, your structure more sturdy.

Just a quick note. At high speeds, you need at least some kind of
Space is NOT empty. E E 'Doc' Smith's Lensman ships were teardrop shaped
to improve their 'inertialess' performance. You will hit stuff, and you
want it to bounce.

Having said that, the best shape as far as I can tell for a space ship
is a
sphear. It has minimum area to volume, good pressure holding

But pointy ships do look better IMHO.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
| #include "witty_saying"	      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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