Re: dockyards
From: rpaul@w... (Robin Paul)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 09:54:59 -0500
Subject: Re: dockyards
>I thought this looked really good, but I am having some trouble
>understanding the whole thing. What is your build rate? What is your
>repair rate? Most importantly, what is `Servicing' and how do you
>Chad Taylor
I haven't actually used any of this- it was just a suggestion off the
yesterday, so I haven't got a system for determining build time etc.-
suggest something like Mike Miserendino's idea of a baseline time plus a
random element for ships of a particular size-class, and keep arecord of
completion state of ships as they're built.
As far as servicing goes, I mean assorted rearming, re-equipping,
preventive maintenance etc. I'd suggest something like "1 day in dock
week on patrol and per day of combat". A vessel spending too long away
home (ie perhaps "requiring more than 7 days of servicing") would have
make a threshhold check, with another each week so that eventually even
ship which had seen no combat would just stop working.
Ships could be given a "discount" related to size to represent
Unassigned weapons capacity (mass points) could increase thise discount.
For repair times:
hull damage:
1st row: 1 day per DP to be repaired
2nd row: 1 weeks per DP to be repaired
3rd row: 1 month per DP to be repaired
system damage: roll a d6
system size 1-3 4-5 6
1 mass systems: 1 day 3 days 1 week
2 mass systems: 3 days 1 week 2 weeks
3 mass systems: 1 week 2 weeks 1 month
Again, I'm winging it with all this stuff!
Rob Paul
Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR Tel. (01865) 512361
"Once again, villainy is rotting meat before the maggots of justice!"