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Re: Campaign rules?

From: Hal Carmer <hal@b...>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 18:29:57 -0500
Subject: Re: Campaign rules?

Hello Folks,
  Using another game system called GURPS, it is listed in the GURPS
VEHICLES book (either version) that a displacement ton is roughly 35
feet.  There being 27 cubic feet to a cubic yard, and having done my
calculations for FT II in cubic yards, it remained for me to convert
of today's ships into "mass units" for Full Thrust.

  According to the information from HARPOON, a naval minitures game, the
USS IOWA displaces 46,177 tons, carries some 2,753 crew, and has some 25
weapons mounts.

  Converting the displacement tons to cubic yards, and then to "Mass
units" with a mass unit equal (roughly) to 250 cubic yards, the value of
the IOWA would be 59,859 cubic yards, and 239 Mass units.  

  If we assume time equal to square root of mass in months, then the
would have taken 15.45 months to complete.  That is a tad over the 1
and one day that was mentioned earlier, but then again, we are talking
about two different ships, and we are talking about two different
countries building yards.  In general, I don't like the idea of any ship
taking less than a month to build, so if the list feels that
rates should be equal to mass/10 months, then a minimum construction
should be inplemented.	In the IOWA, such a ship would have taken 23.9
months to make (which is decidedly longer than the 15.45 <grin>).  I
propose that any ship taking less than 1 month in construction,
automatically gets upgraded to 1 month in construction time.  This would
make any ship under 10 mass units all take the same amount of time...

  Just as a "joke", anyone want to build a BB with 240 mass?  Bet you
could have some real fun piloting one of those on the board <grin>....


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