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Re: Beam Weapons

From: timj@u...
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 05:41:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Beam Weapons

Adam wrote:-

--Am I the only one who disagrees with this? All it needs is a little
--common sence to create designs that 'feel' right.

No I agree with you, the obsession with points etc has never appealed to
me Im 
with the feels right camp. I'm very happy with the rules as they stand,
if they 
changed them, I'd complain. 

I play with set ship types that are balanced (like the one in FT & MT)
or fit 
the background or scenario (Kobyashi Maru was never balanced on points!)

Do you have your full finalised Star Trek background available yet...

Tim Jones

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