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Re: B5 Rules

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 04:26:05 -0500
Subject: Re: B5 Rules

Date sent:  26-NOV-1996 09:14:25 

>Hi Mark, interesting rules but I have two questions.
>1) Energy Weapons

>Weapon | Weapon Mass/ | Damgae Dice/
>Type	|  Points Cost | Recharge Time
>Type 1 |  2/4	       |   1 dice/1 turn
>Type 2 |  3/8	       |   2 dice/2 turns
>Type 3 |  4/12        |   3 dice/3 turns

>Are these tech level 1 thru 3 or tech level 1 weapons only?
>Either way you do more damage mounting type 1's over the type 2 or 3
>due to a faster recharge rate. Seems that if you three different types
>they should all charge at 2 turns possibly.

In my version, the beams take power from a centeral store. So 3 1s take
same power to fire as 1 x 3. This removes any anomaly for the charge
of different sized beams.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
| #include "witty_saying"	      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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