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Re: Land Battles on Basilisk

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 06:12:07 -0500
Subject: Re: Land Battles on Basilisk

On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Tom Granvold wrote:

>      While I tend to like space combat over ground, I did find another
> possibly interesting fictional source.  I just finished reading the
> Honor Harrington novel, _On Basilisk Station_.  The final space battle
> wouldn't make an interesting scenerio.  A frigate chasing a Q ship the
> size of a dreadnought!, a light cruiser chasing a Q-ship, in what is mainly a missile
with lots and lots of ECM. The Grav Lance and Energy Torps (...why do 
they remind me of Starfire's Plasma Guns?) could be interesting in FT, 

>     Anyway, just a though.  Do the other Honor Harrington novels have
> more ground battles?

There is the assault on Blackbird in 'Honor of the Queen', where Manty 
and Grayson marines assault a Masadan ground base on an airless moon. 
Most of the fighting is underground, though, so I guess Legions of Steel

would be more appropriate <g>

Oerjan Ohlson

"Father, what is wrong?"
"My shoes are too tight. But it does not matter, because
 I have forgotten how to dance."
- Londo Mollari

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