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Re: Solitaire Full Thrust?

From: "J. Scott Miller" <smiller@i...>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 15:23:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Solitaire Full Thrust?

Andy Skinner wrote:

<A whole bunch of stuff about a FT AI.>

If you're going to go to all the trouble of designing an AI and having 
it keep track of postions, speeds, ship damage, etc (so it can make 
decisions), you might as well get rid of the minitures and play on 
screen.  Which of course leads to hot seat, modem play, LAN support, 

Also, for anyone interested in programming starship combat tactics, 
there is a game available called Starships.  The last version I've seen 
was 3.0, and that was several years ago.  I haven't looked on the 'Net 
for it (probably will after finishing this post:)), but it is probably 
out there.  The preperation for the game consists of writing the 
controlling routine for 1 or more starships, using a sort of specialized

assembly code (not as daunting as it sounds.)  The ships are then loaded

into a master module that runs the combat according to the programmed 
instructions.  The game is very instructional in just what a task good 
AI is.

Anyway, my 2 pennies,

Prev: Re: Looking for a new home. Next: Re: Hammer's Slammers/Forever War (Was Re: Starship Troopers)