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Re: "Realistic" Systems Ideas

From: "Carl F. Black II" <cfblack@o...>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 17:53:32 -0500
Subject: Re: "Realistic" Systems Ideas

>	  These devices are designed for games where screen technology
> is unavailable.  The caster launches a clould of chaff, aerosol,
> reflective dust, whatever that defuses and scatters incoming fire from
> directed energy weapons.  The cloud covers the firing arc that the
> is mounted and only works when it is activated (this must be noted in
> movement orders.)  Only one caster may be mounted per arc and can be
> mounted in any arc. The effect of the cloud in equal to that of a
> and its level is equal to the caster's rating:
>	  Caster Type	  Mass	  Points
>	  ------------------------------
>	  Caster 1	  1	  4
>	  Caster 2	  2	  6
>	  Caster 3	  3	  8
>	  The cloud lasts only on the turn that it's fired and
> after at the end of turn.  The main drawback of the system is that it
> works both ways and its effect is cumlative.
>	  A cruiser puts out a "1" rated cloud and intends to fire upon
> ship that has put out it's own "1" cloud.  The shot counts as it goes
> through a level "2" screen.
>	  If the cumlative effect exceeds three, then no fire be
>	  Any questions or comments?

I really like this and will have to try and test it this weekend. 

Jonathan Davis wrote: 

> The Sensor/ECM rules are interesting.  It would add a lot of dice
> to get the sensor lock-on.

Yeah, a bit more than I would usually want.

> There is room for abuse here though.	I could mount enough sandcasters
> put out a "4" cloud in any one of the port, starboard, and fore arcs. 
> be completely screened against enemy fire to get in close to your

It would be very difficult to put out a >3 cloud with a one caster per
arc limit as Mark posted.

		Carl Black
Burt the Barbarian says, "Remember, pillage THEN burn."

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