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"Realistic" Systems Ideas

From: "<Mark Andrew Siefert>" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 13:53:56 -0500
Subject: "Realistic" Systems Ideas

	I just finished reading the discussion on "Realistic" space 
combat.  I have a few ideas about ways to intergrate "hard science" into


New Sensor rules:
	In Stephen Guffey's New Babylon 5 adaptations (see THE PAGE for 
more info), the concept of "stealth" is introduced.  According to these 
rules a ship can't even fire upon another ship until it overcomes the 
opponent's stealth or ECM (this is done through a dice roll).  Using a 
similar concept I have come up with the following.

	Before the actually firing occurs a player must annouce which 
ships he/she is trying to "illuminate" (the number of ships that can be 
"illuminated is equal to the number of firecons).  The player rolls 
the number of dice for the type of sensor system they pocess:

	Sensor Type	# of Dice Rolled
	Basic		1d6
	Enhanced	2d6
	Superior	3d6

	The opponent then rolls the number of dice for the type of ECM 
system they have (BTW, the ECM sytems are equal in MASS and Points Cost 
as the sensor systems.):

	ECM Type	# of Dice Rolled
	Basic		1d6
	Enhanced	2d6
	Superior	3d6

	If the total of the Sensor roll is greater than the ECM roll,
player can shoot at that ship. If it is equal or lower, then the 
defending unit is safe.  A ship can attempt to illuminate the ship again

but it must have a free and working fire-con.

	These devices are designed for games where screen technology 
is unavailable.  The caster launches a clould of chaff, aerosol, 
reflective dust, whatever that defuses and scatters incoming fire from 
directed energy weapons.  The cloud covers the firing arc that the
is mounted and only works when it is activated (this must be noted in
movement orders.)  Only one caster may be mounted per arc and can be 
mounted in any arc. The effect of the cloud in equal to that of a screen

and its level is equal to the caster's rating:

	Caster Type	Mass	Points
	Caster 1	1	4
	Caster 2	2	6
	Caster 3	3	8
	The cloud lasts only on the turn that it's fired and dissapates 
after at the end of turn.  The main drawback of the system is that it 
works both ways and its effect is cumlative.

	A cruiser puts out a "1" rated cloud and intends to fire upon a 
ship that has put out it's own "1" cloud.  The shot counts as it goes 
through a level "2" screen.

	If the cumlative effect exceeds three, then no fire be executed.

	Any questions or comments?  

Mark A. Siefert
E-MAIL: cthulhu@csd.uwm edu		WWW:
DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed here are solely those of the
who doesn't care whether or not you think he is a right wing nut. 
forgive any spelling and/or grammatical errors for he is also a victim
the American public education system.

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