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Stargrunt Question.

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 12:54:53 -0500
Subject: Stargrunt Question.

 While playing Stargrunt the other night, we ran into an interesting
question:  Precisely how much movement is permitted by a Reorganize
The book says:
   "...the overall position of the squad does not alter-thus it is not
'movement' as such- but individual figures may be moved around short
distances in order to restore the conditions for unit integrity may
formation, move individual into better firing position, and so on."

	What happened in our game was that a squad that had made a
High-Altitude insertion got scattered over a rather large section of
with figures ending up separated by a foot or more (REALLY bad rolls). 
reorganize action has to be used to bring the unit back together, but
long should that take?	What precisely is a "short distance" in this
context?  Can figures be moved some percentage of their normal move, or
what?  It would really be annoying to drop your troops and then have to
spend the rest of the night just getting them back into integrity.  Any
	Pictures of the game, by the way, can be seen at:	
	We're trying to get ready for Philcon, which is about three
from now.  We are just SO organized....

	John Crimmins

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