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Re: B5\FT\Shadows\Telepaths

From: "Gee, that photon torpedo was clo-#/&%*.. NO CARRIER" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 15:25:37 -0400
Subject: Re: B5\FT\Shadows\Telepaths

>After FINALLY seeing Walkabout, Here are my first pass telepath v. 
>Shadow rules:
>Telepaths are rated P1-P6

No P10s, no P12s?

>Psychic Warfare Phase is after orders are written but before movement 
>is executed.
>If a Shadow Cruiser is in a ship's Forward Arc, and within the 
>Telepath's "P"rating times 3 in inches, The telepath may attempt to 
>"Lock" the Shadow Cruiser. Both sides roll 1d6 and add the "P" level 
>of the telepath. If the Shadow Cruiser wins, the attacking telepath 
>temporarily loses 1 level of "P" rating from exhaustion, and the 
>Shadow Cruiser may execute it's movement/Fire orders as written.
>If the Shadow Cruiser loses, it's velocity is immediately 0 and it 
>may execute no move or fire orders. Once a Shadow Cruiser is "Locked" 
>the Telepath may hold it for a number of rounds equal to His/her 
>"P"rating, losing one level of "P"per round from exhaustion. At the 
>End of the turn in which the Telepath's rating reaches 0, the Shadow 
>Cruiser is free to act as normal. Exhaustion "P" losses recover at a 
>rate of 1 point per round telepath does not attempt to Lock a Shadow 
>Cruiser. If multiple Telepaths attack one Cruiser, Take the Highest 
>rated Telepath and add 1/2 of the ratings of the added 
>telepaths(round down) to the "Leader" Telepath. Exhaustion rules 
>affect ALL Telepaths in an attacking group.

Pretty good. I like 'em.

>Human Telapaths may be bought from P1-P5
>Minbari Telepaths may be bought from P2-P6
>Centauri Telepaths may be bought from P2-P5
>Questions? Comments?

No P10s? No P12s?? <whine!>


During the run-and-fight-and-run-again battle through this forest of
she is finally cornered. Her weapons have been left deep in the bodies
of the
slain or broken against the granite-hard scales of these snakes that are
snakes. Her stand to the death must be fought here. Though her only
are her hands and her deep and wide knowledge of the slayers, she does
fear them. They will die. Of this she is sure.

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